Adapters for controlling from steering wheel

Adapters for controlling from steering wheel 4CarMedia offers a perfect solution for those who can no longer use their steering wheel controls after replacing their stock radio.

Professional car audio accessories

Check out a full range of professional accessories for car audio installations!

Accessories for car audio installation constitute essential elements of every audio system. Without them, it is impossible to connect main components and turn on the audio equipment.

Radio Release Keys

If you need to disassemble your car radio in a quick and safe manner, we have the perfect tools for this!

Adapters are a good alternative for expensive car audio equipment

Car audio adapters It happens that we are not satisfied with quality of factory fitted car audio system in our vehicles. Some music lovers decide to buy top quality car speakers and original car audio system recommended by car manufacturer. However, such a solution has a major drawback: it is often very expensive.

Does this mean that we had no other option but to use factory fitted radio? Not necessarily! There are special car audio adapters which allow us to connect other devices in our vehicles.

Choice of adapter

The choice of appropriate adapter is not difficult. What is more, some better online shops help us automatically match appropriate adapter to the type and brand of device being connected, type of connector, and model of vehicle. There is no need to define technical parameters of an adapter.

Connecting non-factory radio

We bought new car audio and we want to install it in our car. Everything we need at this stage is an appropriate adapter that allows us to connect non-factory radio.

  1. We should start from checking the type of the radio being connected because we need to find appropriate connection with ISO connectors or wiring harness.

  2. When we want to install new radio, we have to disconnect factory fitted device, use an adapter, and then connect non-factory device. The process can be compared to putting puzzle pieces together.

  3. There is no need to install additional antenna. We can use an adapter with a cable equipped with a connector which allows us to use existing antenna. It can be connected in the same way as a radio set.

ISO connectors

More control over sound parameters

Well, we have new car audio installation but we should also think about an amplifier. It not only improves signal strength, but also gives us more control over adjusting sound parameters. What is more, advanced amplifiers are equipped with graphic equalizer functionality that tends to be essential for more demanding users.

We can make our new radio set work with car audio amplifier in several ways.

Making use of an existing amplifier

By using specialISO connectors we can:

  • extend two-channel audio system,
  • adjust from one to four channels,
  • connect an amplifier to factory fitted car audio.

Amplifiers are usually installed in a hidden place at some distance from a driver. They can be turned off with the use of a Remote cable - amplifiers are usually hidden in a boot, and there is discreet button close to a user.

An adapter with a complete wiring

Connecting existing speakers

When we install new car audio system in our cars, we can use existing speakers. Connecting them to factory fitted installation is not difficult if we buy special adapters which:

  • are ended with a male/female connector on one side and are dedicated to a given car model,
  • are ended with terminals that allow direct connection to speakers on the other side.

Controlling new car audio installation

The only problem remaining now is how to control our new installation. The best solution is to use buttons on the steering wheel - it ensures comfort and safety.

It is possible if we choose anadapter with complete wiring, taking into account the type of our radio set and model of our car. Such an adapter will allow us to:

  • adjust the volume,
  • switch tracks,
  • mute sound.

Adapter with Quadlock connector

A problem connected with cars equipped with Start/Stop functionality

New cars are very often equipped with Start/Stop functionality. When a car stops at traffic lights, a driver shifts to idle and releases the clutch. As a result, the engine is stopped automatically. In order to start the engine again, clutch pedal has to be pressed (in case of cars with automatic transmission – brake pedal has to be released). But you must be wondering, how to find appropriate pins in the connector in order to maintain power supply for a radio unit when the engine stops. Listening to music or radio which turns off while waiting in a traffic jam is ridiculous.

Specialadapter with Quadlock connector is a solution to the above-mentioned problem - our non-factory radio will work while the engine is turned off.

Such an adapter should be plugged into a connector after disconnecting factory fitted radio set. Electrical connections are then prepared to provide continued presence of voltage.

Adapters suitable for cars equipped with Start/Stop functionality are also offered together with ISO connector for older car models. It is possible to choose from adapters with DIN connectors and with cables.

Connecting navigation systems, hands-free systems, and smartphones

Problems concerning connection of navigation systems, hands-free systems, and smartphones

In modern cars it may be difficult to connect additional navigation systems, hands-free systems, and iPhones and other smartphones, iPads, etc.

Appropriately selected adapters allow for:

Difficulties in connecting additional devices in older cars

We can also encounter some problems while connecting additional devices in older cars. Car audio installations in such cars are not always equipped with universal slots (USB, audio jack, cinch, etc.) intended for use with external devices.

Adapters and car warranty

There is one important thing connected with car warranty that has to be mentioned. It is good to know that when we use adapters, we do not interfere in any way with the electrical installation of the car because we do not cut any cables. So we do not have to worry about losing warranty.


By using car audio adapters, we can enjoy sound of really high quality that is even enhanced with our existing amplifier – we do not have to buy new speakers. What is more, thanks to some special adapters, we can install non-factory navigation systems or hands-free systems that are very often much better than factory fitted ones.